The Motile Race

Thinking about and building a sport centred tech startup.

The Future of Fitness and Health

The Next Web have an interesting article from a few days ago covering some of the technologies that have emerged to do with tracking fitness and health. I’ve heard of a lot of these services but a few are new to me.

The Future of Fitness

There are two pages, which I almost missed.

Fascinating though the article is, I’m noticing that what I’ve found so far is based around fitness and getting healthy and less about having fun or developing a skill. The article has the words ‘health and fitness’ in the title so it is obviously going to focus there, but I wonder how much is out there about technology, sports and having fun and gaining skills.

The health perspective is not a bad thing, but I do wonder if it leaves a gap. I’ll have to keep a better lookout for alternative perspectives.

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